Monday, July 27, 2015


My friends kicked off a 2 week tour with a show Friday
at Bates Hardcore Gym. Lots of friends, lots of fun!

Go check em out!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Taste of Tremont

Sunday, July 19th
Professor Ave.

Free to the public. rain or shine.
13 years of showcasing the best of local business.
Over 30,000 visitors expected this year!

Spreading Cleveland Pride One T-shirt At A Time

Tacos + Tequila + Whiskey

Pub and Pizza Kitchen

Handcrafted Gourmet Pierogies

Despite the heat and having to spend an hour inside Loop Coffee 
just to cool off, its was a beautiful day. 

Special thanks to everyone at the CLE tent for the company and 
refreshments, and the streets of Tremont for the beautiful sights!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Day in the Life

 I wanted to do a photo journey through a whole visit to 
Cleveland instead of just one activity. As much as I love the 
bridges and factories, what I truly cherish is regular daily life
with Jason, on the road, out in suburbia, or at home.
Its gunna be a long one so lets go!

Greyhound has been a lifesaver, allowing me to live between two
cities, enjoying the views along the way almost every single week.

Jason had an early morning the next day helping coach kids hockey.

Keep your high school quarterbacks ladies,
I got the Varsity starting goalie.

 It was a beautiful day to take the City for a cruise to get some
burgers at The Twisted Paddy. I got the Hotel California 
because I saw the words 'bacon' and 'guacamole'. No regrets.
The fries were amazing and Monday's burgers are half price.

 Afterwards we stopped by the beach for 
some good old fashioned trespassing...

  ...and a bit more at the tracks. The freight trains move a hell of
a lot faster through town out here than they do in Southside.

 Then back home to relax.

Every time I have to leave this place I hope it will get easier.
It never does. And the last hour is always the worst.

But I'm sitting at Jason's desk typing this right now. I wasn't home
more than 20 minutes yesterday before I bought another ticket to come
surprise him when he gets home from shooting a wedding tonight.
He's walking up his stairs now, unaware that I'm here waiting.

I'm incredibly lucky and grateful for every single memory
proudly displayed on this blog, and I created it for just that reason.
Thanks for joining us.

Monday, July 13, 2015

7-13-15 8:45 PM

Instagram tells me I missed a killer rainbow
but here's the sunset anyway. 

Yes, this is all I do in Pittsburgh.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Garage Days

A couple weeks ago Jason mentioned his plans to sell his 82 Civic.

I mentioned that I had fallen in love with it and wasn't going
to let that happen. I really like the feeling of having an end-game
for my savings account. Why not fix up this car? Asap.

By the end of the day we had switched out the suspension 
on the City for its original and put the coilovers back on the 82
which had been up on blocks for quite a while.

Hes gunna hate me for the dirty car and mid-air-drumming pose
but I love the picture and I'm not sure why.

I know it looks like I was doing more camera work 
than car work but I swear I actually helped. 
Hopefully he posts the pictures to prove it soon!

We finished up just in time for Jason to lament 
the City being a foot taller the whole drive to Melt.
(Melt pictures not included either)